AMZ Advisers community can access $500 off annual Kickfurther PRO!

  • Sell new inventory before paying for it
  • Fund up to 100% of your inventory costs
  • Don't take on debt or give up equity
  • Control your repayment schedule (1-10 months)

Amazon sellers keep up with demand and free up cash flow with Kickfurther!

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Lower Your Funding Costs & Improve Profits

Access lowest-in-market funding costs 

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How does Kickfurther PRO work? 


What Is Kickfurther?

Kickfurther is an online inventory funding marketplace. Brands access funding for new inventory (or can get reimbursed for recently produced goods) from marketplace participants. The marketplace allows brands to access private funding at costs that improve can improve with each use. Your funding goes directly to your manufacturer for production of goods and you makes no payments until you receive and begin selling new inventory. Kickfurther is backed by investors behind Tesla, Robinhood, Zoom, Canva and more.

What are consignment costs?

The Kickfurther marketplace funds inventory on consignment, meaning the inventory is funded and owned by the marketplace, which consigns the inventory back to the brand for sale and distribution per the brand's normal methods and channels. The consignment cost represents the monthly consignment profit rate paid to marketplace funding participants. Returning brands see their consignment costs fall; other business stability statistics often help decrease the monthly consignment cost. 

What does Kickfurther PRO cost?

Kickfurther PRO is a monthly subscription based on your annual revenue. Kickfurther PRO companies can fund as much inventory as they'd like on the platform and pay only monthly consignment profit costs.

Produce & Sell More Inventory

Before Even Paying For It


Lower cost than many options, often by 10-75%


Pay back as you sell: No More cash pinch while waiting for sales revenue


Create a payment schedule (1-10 months) based on your cash flow

We fund inventory for eCommerce & major store brands 

Who's Talking About Us

© 2021 Kickfurther. All rights reserved. 

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